This site is a tribute to Sally Saunders, who was born on April 14 1937 at Little Fowlers nursing home at Hawkhurst. Sally loved everything about Kent the landscape, the fauna, the wildlife, the castles, historical buildings and more... she was a true “Maid of Kent” , which is why we are supporting Kent Wildlife trust in Sallys memory.
Sally spent most of her married life living in Wrotham where she enjoyed village life, its Art and music festivals, embroidery groups and the honour of restoring embroidery for the Church and making new Altar Frontals and more..
Sally enjoyed working for Cuckoobird the Kent cottage industry, and later training and then teaching at The Royal School of Needlework, she taught all over Kent. She would give lectures for the Guild and put on exhibitions. Worked on the embroidered panel hanging in Sevenoaks hospital. Her real love was her ‘studio’ her teaching room her ‘comfort zone’ often sitting there first thing in the morning till late at night producing the most beautiful pieces of work or a masonic banner, or drawing up designs or just relaxing and proudly looking at her gallery of her students work on the walls.
Sally enjoyed her childhood spending time at her grandparents home in Hawkhurst hiding under the verrandah, boating on the lake, and climbing inside their tea trolley and scuttling along the upper hallway much to the amusement of her grandparents (we did relive this moment of mum in the said tea trolley a few years back and let her run round her house reliving her youth while giggling away)
Sallys father was her hero she would often say “if my dear dad was here he would have the answer” she enjoyed the company of her mother and their love of sewing together, she would fondly recall how her mum would decorate the dug out in the war with little pictures she painstakingly cut out, just so that it wasn’t as frightening for her or her brother Nick. Sally loved her youth and times on the Broads or the Lakes with her friends, friends that she kept in contact with all through her life.
Sally loved her home and enjoyed the garden that Brian keeps so neat and tidy, occasionally herself pottering around and going out to deadhead the roses ‘properly’ as she would say.
Sally loved family life and everyone meeting up, most especially her love was her 3 grandchildren Nicole, Ryan and Daniel who she always spoke so proudly of and her face would light up when they were in her company.
Through all the pain & ill health Sally would keep battling on over many years with strength and determination but sadly health problems just recently got too much she was to weak to keep up her fight and sadly passed away 07/09/2020
Sally will be fondly missed by so many whose lives she has touched in some way.
Daniel as a very young child heard a proverb so Paul asked him about it “ Daniel why do you think clouds have a silver lining? After a lot of thought his reply was, “It’s because Nanny has some silver thread in her needle and she is going round mending the clouds” ..out of the mouths of babes, but no doubt its on your job list Mum! Im sure you have a few pins in your lapel and a needle in hand already ..R.I.P x
She is much loved and will always be remembered.
Happy memories of my first tutor at the RSN. A kind and gentle lady who will be sadly missed.
So many happy memories of dear Sally
In memory of a friend who was a good listener....and much more
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